About Us

The company, started its operations in the tourism market in 2001, duly accredited as a tourism company registered in Public Registries of Peru, and the corporate name is, Antara Travel Agency E. I. R. L. with RUC number: 20526897081 and registered in MINCETUR (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru) with the firm intention of working as a Qualified Tourist Services Provider, thus guaranteeing the trust of our clients, accompanied by the best services in the tourism industry, which is why we have staff who receive talks of tourist update in general, suitable and of a lot of experience, in that way to offer an adequate and optimal attention to our clients.

Representative Profile

Antara Travel Agency E. I. R. L. family business dedicated to the activity of Peruvian tourism and social assistance, has the great pleasure of inviting you to visit Peru and its beautiful destinations.

Licentiate Eufemia Pardo Miranda: Proprietary position and very important support within the company, who thanks to her initiative push and a lot of enthusiasm, makes the company Antara Travel Agency E. I. R. L; have a representative presence inthe different national and international tourism events, as well as the presence in the FIT 2018 (International Fair of Tourism in Buenos Aires Argentina) and thus be at the forefront of tourism activities representing Peru.

Licentiate Luis Enrique Olivares Pardo: Executive Sales Manager, who is present at the National and International events, she also works as an official tour guide, her passion for the tourism activity also made her in her professional career; Become a part of prestigious tourism companies, such as Costa – Italia cruises, Lima Tours in Peru, and other adventure agencies, acquiring such a pleasant experience, now turns your experience to the benefit of Antara Travel Agency EIRL The highlight is a propeller principal in the activity of social assistance with orphans and low-income elderly in Peru, struggling daily to achieve the economic help that is sorely needed to realize this brilliant goal.

Rene Olivares Zúñiga: CEO position, due to his vast experience in tourism (32 years), worked in prestigious hotels, also worked in different tourism agencies, such as Lima Tours, Coltur, the Orient Express and Belmond brands and currently still works for the chain of hotels, trains, restaurants and others,  on many occasions he worked as a Tour conductor, traveling to Bolivia, Chile, the United States and now in Argentina, it is important to highlight the ease in the attention of passengers whatever the situation ; his passion for tourism also made him study languages such as English, French and Spanish in his professional career. He is particularly jovial, executive and very resolute inside and outside the tourist activity, the backbone of Antara Travel Agency EIRL due to his moral strength and tenacious to achieve the satisfaction of the clients and the social help for the children and the elderly.

General Services Information

Antara Travel Agency E. I. R. L., to meet the satisfaction of our customers, conducts monthly training workshops in different areas to staff prior to starting work in the care of our customers as follows:

Office staff: very necessary learning workshops in each area, due to the requirement of our suppliers to be more effective in responding to emails, provide correct information, adequate and rapid response, being for Antara Peru, very important for the purpose chosen to the moment of actions.

Field Personnel: mention that we have the Operations Manager, Services Supervisor, Representatives or Antara Peru transfer, guides in different languages and drivers and type of vehicles. Chief of Operations: principal responsible for the daily activities of each client, according to the request, in charge of programming guides in different languages and transportation in the same way be very attentive according to special details that our clients request or require.

Supervisor of Services: in charge of the supervision of the office and field staff, supervises that the personnel, representative, guide and driver are properly uniformed, perform their duties properly.

Representative or transfer: Its main activity is that upon arrival of the passenger, reiterate the program and the main recommendations, enforce the program acquired by the passenger, be in permanent contact with our customers, watch out for changes if the passenger requests, reconfirmation of air flights and provide them on arrival at the airport, if there were any incident, for example altitude sickness, typical in the city of Cusco (3400 masl), immediately call a doctor as the case may be and finally supervise the services lent, to achieve a pleasant attention to our customers, firm purpose of Antara Peru.

Language guide requested

In charge of the attention and inform the historical part of the different tourist attractions visited to our clients, coordinate with our clients the time of the next activity or excursion. Also be prompt if there were any unforeseen, for example, delayed trains, landslides, inform and coordinate with the main office to decide the corresponding options in any case. Note that we have guides in Spanish, English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese. Japanese and Russian, request in advance because contamNote that we have guides in Spanish, English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese. Japanese and Russian, request in advance because we have very few due to the high demand in cities as a destination.

Vehicle Drivers

In charge of driving the vehicle, previously, the Field Supervisor, inspects the vehicle prior to each service, such as driver’s status, documentation in order, snacks and mineral water on board the vehicle, sign of the shift agency , important details for the good service of our clients. Vehicles, an important part of the gear for the attention of passengers, Antara Peru, always consider modern and documented vehicle with the corresponding permit and avoid the admonition of the corresponding authority.

Attention Fits and Groups

For Antara Peru, it is important these details and thus provide reliability in our clients.

Attention Fits.- If there were any observations, Antara Peru, is responsible for providing names of the representative, guide and driver, for the attention of the determined file.

Attention groups.- For convenience, the groups must not exceed 16 participants, Antara Peru designates vehicles with excess seats preventing the physical part of some passengers and comfort. In other words, if there are 16 participants, the vehicle is for 19 passengers. In case of requiring a Driver’s Tour, Antara Peru suggests this assistance, ensures good customer service and communication with the central office, through the “TC” in the visit to the different archaeological groups, museums, restaurants and the respective coordination.

Medical Assistance.- In some cases situations arise due to altitude sickness with our clients, especially in the city of Cusco (3400 masl). The staff of Antara Peru, is trained to give immediate assistance.

Account Number for Deposits

  • Banco de Crédito del Perú, name Renè Olivares Zuñiga, account number in dollars: 4557881344634888
  • Banco de Crèdito del Perù; name Renè Olivares Zuñiga, account number in soles: 4557881328609732
  • Payments, click here on PayPal and/or at the bottom of our website 


kindest Regards

CEO Renè Olivares Zuñiga

General Manager


Antara Perú

Antara Travel began tourist market operations in 2001, duly accredited as a tourist company registered in Public Registries of Peru, the corporate name is Antara Travel Agency E.I.R.L.; the main purpose of the company is to guarantee and provide the best services in the tourism industry, which is every day more competitive. Antara Travel has skilled personnel and extensive experience thus provide the best attention to the customers.


  Oficina Principal:  Jr. Sacsayhuamán B - 10 Urb. Dolorespata          -           Sucursal: Avenida La Costanera D - 17   -   Cusco - Perú.

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